Thursday, December 31, 2015


The last post before I return to the kitchen next week/year.

As the new year comes and the old one goes it is time to let go of what was not done in the past year.  Forget about tasks never done - let your negative thoughts from the past go.  The new year coming is a clean slate - remember your new notebooks the first day of school, clean and waiting to be written in?  The change of the year is the same thing. 

Several years ago I made a resolution for the new year and I have kept it ever since - I resolved not to make any more resolutions.  A resolution is a good intention which is generally too vague to be kept.  Once resolutions are made and then broken one feels bad and shortly into the new year one is again thinking negative thoughts, when positive thoughts are much healthier and better to help one do what needs to be done.

Instead of resolving to be more organized, get rid of clutter, etc. pick a task to start doing - it does not have to be a large one, just something that you feel you can actually do.  Perhaps to deal with the mail as it comes in.  Perhaps to always do the dishes before going to bed.  To put your clothes out to wear the next day before you go to bed.  Pick something that you feel you can do which is a single step towards dealing with your clutter and disorganization.  Even getting and keeping a calendar - paper or online (one which can be synced with your cell phone is even better) is a step.  We try to do too many things at once.  One step at a time is a good idea.  Plan what you will do to deal with your choice during the year.  Any positive change is good.  In the same way we walk one step at a time, one can deal with their clutter and disorganization problems one step at a time.

For years, for example, I wanted a blog.  I would start one, post once, and then never post again.  When I decided to start this blog, I prewrote four posts, this way I would avoid the problem of never writing a second one.  I have a recurring entry in my computer/cell calendar to ring and remind me on Tuesday nights to write new posts (right now I am going week to week, but hope to go back to writing in advance) and another to remind me weekly to post overnight Wednesday to Thursday.  I have managed to post weekly for 3 months now and will continue to do so.

So pick something and do it in the coming year.  Once you are comfortable with the one change you can pick another one.     

Oh, and remember perfection is not required.  I still have, on December 29, Christmas decorations to finish putting out.  If I was a perfect person I would have gone crazy when I was not finished by Christmas Eve, but I am not.  As long as I see the decorations out during the holiday season, it is fine with me (and my husband).

Happy New Year to all.

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