Thursday, July 14, 2016


Well, here it is another week gone by.  Time to write again. 

First a bit of how I am writing and posting this blog.  The first few posts I wrote in advance as this is at least my third attempt at a blog (on varying subjects) and I figured if I kept 3 weeks ahead I would be fine.  Of course like, I am guessing, most of you, I used up the 3 posts and now post week to week.  I have a reminder on my calendar for Tuesday night to write the week’s post so I can post it on Wednesday night (which is generally around midnight Wednesday into very early Thursday morning) which give me a chance Wednesday night to proof read it again or write the post if I did not get to it Tuesday night - which happens much too often.  So, if you are coming to see read it, it is posted by early Thursday am Eastern US time.  If you sign up to receive it weekly in your email it seems to arrive late Thursday.

It was another week of getting very little done as I get sidetracked from doing things by husband and by “emergencies” which arise.  But I did get some tasks done. Repeat tasks such as bill paying, laundry, dish washing and such get done ahead of lesser tasks.  They are necessary to keep the house and us going. 

I had left the bed made up in the RV for our next trip, but the generator needs to be worked on by a mechanic and he needs access to the air conditioning switch inside the RV - over the bed, so I had to unmake the bed yesterday - about an hour of wasted time to do so, get the bed itself disassembled and covered with plastic covers to keep it clean.  When we go away next, there will about another hour putting it all back together and making it back up - I had hoped to avoid this work as we had only traveled on our last trip for a few days and our next 2 trips are of even shorter duration.  As long as I took it apart I will wash the bed linens.  For each of us there is a large laundry bag which holds a blanket, pillows, and mattress cover from half the bed (since it is made up as if it was two adjacent twins) - marked so I know whose is whose - since someone other than us will be inside the RV, the laundry bags are sealed in plastic bags.         

The bank statements for us and for the two non-profit organizations of which I am treasurer this past week and all the statements have been reconciled and filed away.  I actually got the stack of items on my desk waiting to be done back down to what I needed to do about 6 months ago. I am sure it will grow again.

I started working on a corporate income tax return due out by September 15 - maybe it will be out early for once and not at the last minute.

We have started calling up and changing our mailing address for our various financial mail (bills, statements, and checks to deposit coming in - nothing fancy) to our Post Office box as a way of dealing with our mail going astray.  I am calling and changing each as I go to pay the bill or deposit the check. I figure when we go to the banks we will change the mailing address there.  Husband has taken care of a couple of items which are his.   We may have a problem in winter or bad weather as we will need to get to our PO box, but we can always call and find out how much to pay and where to send it.  We pay our bills the old fashioned way - by check and mail.  This has helped us, in at least one case, avoid having our info stolen from a company which was hacked.     
I have not finished putting away the food from last week’s trip - I have it in plastic boxes which snap closed and it is mostly the same snack food we eat at home, so I have been using it up bit by bit instead. 

I did 4 loads of laundry last week to catch up on our clothes and towels as I had done it early the week before to go away with all clothes cleaned.  I did not change the bedding as since we had been away, we used the bed over 2 weeks the equivalent of sleeping it in for just over one week - a big time saver - and, as I told you, I hate sheets.

I went through my food books last night - cooking and diet - and sorted out 27 of them to donate.  Mostly these are in reference to diet related to a condition we both have and are no longer needed by us as we know what to do.  Other books were ones which seemed like good ideas or were gifts or for foods we no longer eat.  Don’t worry - there are still lots of cookbooks on the shelf - but I did manage to get it down to one shelf so there is lots of room in the bookcase for crafts books.  The cooking books are on the bottom shelf as they are not used often.  Some of them I know I will never use, but they are sentimental favorites and one is a “Gone with the Wind” cookbook, of no real use, but I could not part with it.  I kept the cookbooks for an assortment of types of cooking we like and a couple that we have never used, but still sounded interesting.  I put the ones we are keeping back on the shelf in sections based on what they are for - with a stack of assorted types of paperbacks facing forward to save room and make them easy to see.

So it was more or less a typical week around here.  A bit of decluttering, a bit of organizing and much wasted time. 


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