Thursday, September 22, 2016


Have you ever gone through on of those time periods where you have things to do and don’t get to them as you have minor things to do like crazy - although none of them are really anything of importance?  I have been going through a period of time like this the last few weeks and sometimes it always seems that way to me.

First, as you know from prior posts, husband has been planning trips that I have to try to work around.  If we are going on a trip household chores - especially laundry and financial - have to planned around and for the trips. Laundry must be done so we have clean clothes to bring.  Bills have to be paid before we go away which will be due while we will be away and we have to make sure we have money in the checking account for the bills, cash for the trip, etc.  When one does not know how long one is going away for or even if one is going away or not, this is hard to do.  So I have to plan for the maximum amount of time we will be away - and all possible dates (will we leave Tuesday?  Wednesday?  Thursday?  Next Monday?) for the trip.
Also mentioned before one day a month I have to go out to a client for work.  I generally go on a Tuesday or Thursday due to a variety of reasons.  I had to go to the client last week and file her sales taxes after I came home (I have no Internet access at her place of business).  One of the trips we were planning was also last week.  So I had to make sure I went to her early in the week so I would be available whenever we actually went.  Then there were a couple of problems I had to deal with for her after I was home - Time running like sand through my fingers.

We then went on the trip.  It ended up a day trip to the Valley Forge, PA area, followed by a ride to Lancaster, PA for dinner and home.  The shortness of the trip allowed me to catch up on some paperwork sitting on my desk (bank recs and such).

As I mentioned last week we made a frame for my embroidery piece a week ago Monday, and then after husband painted it, we framed the piece Tuesday (after I came home from my client).  Over the weekend we had to take the piece to the event it was entered in.  I also had another piece entered in the same event.  So, last Sunday we had to drive to the location of the event and drop off the pieces.  Another good chunk of a day gone.

Monday night our reenactment unit had their monthly meeting.  I had to prepare paperwork to bring (I am on the board and have to give a report each time).  This took up a chunk of the afternoon and the meeting runs so late that we eat dinner part before - soup - and then the main part after the meeting, around 11 pm.

Tuesday we went back to where we dropped off my embroidery as we were judging in other categories.  This takes up most of the day. Then we had to eat lunch and run our regular errands on the way home.  Oh, I got to check my entries - I got a red ribbon (2nd) for the embroidery and nothing for the smaller piece.  Oh, well, it is for fun.  (First prize is a whopping $5, so it is not done for the money.)
In between all of this I helped husband warp (set up the threads to weave through) his loom.  This takes about an hour or more to do.  He finished the piece and today we had to wash it. 

Some how I have managed to catch up on followup I had to do from my embroidery group meeting about a coming project.  I also am the “web master” and change the website after the meeting to feature the next meeting.  So, of course, with cleaning and other much more important things to do, I decided that the website was missing an “about us” page and have spent parts of three days doing it - while doing everything else.

This coming weekend our reenactment group is having an event.  I have to set up the embroidery I work on at events (I demonstrate period needlework) so that all the threads I might need are set up on reproduction “bobbins” (piece of wood) so I do not have to take out anything modern.  We will also be packing our van for the event a day or so before.  The president of the group cannot come, so husband will be in charge of the event as VP, more work for me.

Next weekend my embroidery group will be demonstrating needlework at the event I have my pieces entered in.  I will have to pack in advance for that - including items belonging to the group that I have here.  The day after husband and I will go back to the event (it runs 2 weekends) and pick up my pieces.

Then it will be next month and it starts all over!

So, I keep doing things, but never have time to GET THINGS DONE around the house.  It amazes me how quickly the time passes.  If I want to make a telephone call - for services needed, let alone family - it sits on my calendar for days and days - sometimes weeks and weeks.  I really need to call my mom to say hello!

Have you found this happens to you?  You are always doing things, but nothing you need to get done, gets done just the “other stuff”?

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