Thursday, August 27, 2020


 As I sit here tonight writing this post I am having a problem getting my brain around what is going on simultaneously here in the United States.  I grew up in post World War II United States of America. Never in my life have so many major problems being affecting our country at one time.  We have the 11pm news on and the news rolls on and on.

Our problems that accumulated from centuries of not treating all people in our country (and in the colonies before them) have come to a head.  Our population is separating in one of the most divided and angry elections we have had in recent memory to the point where I fear the violence if the candidate I don't support coming to office as well its result, while also fearing what will happen if the candidate I do support comes to office and the violence that may result from that also, with whichever side loses the election not accepting same and rousing up their supporters.  

We have an illness that is overwhelming to our population, medical systems and further splitting the people of the country apart between those who appreciate the danger of the illness and try to keep from catching it or passing it along to others and those who think it is “just the flu” and not serious and do nothing to prevent it being passed along. (And by the way, the flu is not “just the flu” either and can be lethal.)  

Our weather has also been a problem this a year.  As mentioned in prior posts, our area of the U.S. went through what should not have been a bad tropical storm passing through.  Due to our local utilities it took over 2 weeks to get almost all of those who lost electricity back on line – electric utility claims all back, but some people apparently still do not have their electricity back.  There are a substantial number of people still do not have telephone, Internet service and cable TV service back – some weeks after the storm.  Our electric utility has figured out how to deal with the fact that most people with outages could not reach them during and after the storm for future storms – they will not take any calls, emails, texts, etc. in future storms as they “will know” where the outages are due to their “smart meters”.  This despite the fact that less than half of their customers have smart meters and they did not know during this storm and in its aftermath who did not have electricity.  

And now what has pushed me to write this post.  There is a hurricane bearing down on the south-east portion of the U.S. - with Louisiana and Texas to bear the brunt of it.   Luckily the second hurricane that was traveling more or less the same path as this one, has fallen apart or those in these areas would be facing a one, two punch of horrendous storms.  I am hearing that some areas will have sustained winds of over 120 miles per hour for over 3 hours – can anything stand up to that?  Hopefully the populace will listen to what they are being told and get out of there for other states to their north and west as the storm will heading turning in a large curve to the east after wards.  (Expected here on Saturday and I am concerned for friends in the Carolinas, Virginia and Delaware as it passes through their areas.)  Of course the need to social distance is adding to the problems of this storm as fewer people can ride on each of the buses intended to move them to safer areas, fear of riding for an extensive time with other on buses will lead to more people driving their own vehicles – which make more traffic and slow the process of moving people away from the danger, down even more.  Plus the shelters which are set up for those who have no place else to go when they evacuate the area can hold many fewer people than they normally would due to the need to space the beds, etc. further apart from normal.  

Life is starting to seem more and more like a biblical tale, in this, wrought by nature.  


My prayers, fears and thoughts are with those about to hit by Laura.  I can think of little at this time.  I hope that the storm breaks apart somehow or travels through must faster so it causes less damage.  If you are in the affected areas – please make sure that you leave and stay as far away from the path of Laura as you can.  Your life and those of those around you are much important than anything else.

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