Thursday, October 27, 2022


What amazes me is how the long days last, but how quick the hours, minutes and seconds go.

You know what I mean. I start out with a list of things to do – not too long a last, but a list which is reasonable for the time I have. But time passes so quickly that I get almost nothing done.

And the weeks are event worse – it seems like it was yesterday that I wrote and posted last week.

If I go to check in my calendar when I did something – which I did only a few days ago – it has been weeks, maybe even months since I actually did it.

The summer just started – right? But now it is mid- autumn already.



How do YOU deal with this odd passing of time to get everything done? I really could use some help.

Thursday, October 20, 2022


 My foot is much healed  - though not completely yet – since last week.  

It has been hard staying off my foot as much as possible.  This means, of course, sitting in one place or another and greatly limiting switching to other places – though we did have to go out for a bit of food shopping.  Staying off my foot seems to be working as it seems be about half better already.  

Husband has been trying to help as much as possible – he even washed the dishes for a couple of days.  He has always been upset that I did not replace our dishwasher when it died – as much as he did not want me having to wash the dishes by hand, he did not want to have to do so himself when I could not.  Even long before Covid I would put on a mask (he has them for his woodworking) or tying a towel around my face and putting on disposable plastic gloves when ill so he would not have to do the dishes.    He also cooked – but he has always been the cook of the two of us.   


One needs to be prepared for when cannot do the normal housework – or other jobs which one normally does.  What sort of plans do YOU have for when you cannot deal with house, cooking, or work for a period of time.  

Do you have someone else to take over or help you – spouse, child, parent, housemate or really good friend?  Do you have disposable goods – paper plates, cups, napkins to use when you cannot deal with washing up after meals?  The telephone number of a place which delivers for an affordable price?

Whether an injury or an illness which keeps one home one needs to be prepared to be able to eat and deal with one's house should something happen.

Thursday, October 13, 2022


 Well, last week I wrote about not being able to get housework done due to a problem with my leg and that it was finally getting better.  But, life has its own way of having its fun!  

I was scheduled to go for jury duty yesterday (Tuesday).  Like many to most people I did not want particularly to go, even more so, due to the continuation of Covid in our area.  The idea of sitting closely in a room with other people scares the heck out of me.  But I had figured that based on my age I could not be called for jury duty again after this time as there is a minimum time that must pass between when one serves jury duty (even if not actually put on a jury) and when one can be called again and by the time I could be called again I would be past the age when I have to serve on a jury.  In addition I had already pushed the date back 6 months by requesting an automatic delay.  I had actually picked this week as my alternate date to serve as it was about as far I could push back the jury duty and it was a 4 day week – I figured that cut my chances of being seated on a jury by 20%.  That did not work.

I am not, especially during the pandemic and sitting home most of the time, a person who takes a shower every day – and since the pandemic started I have been taking a shower even less often than usual.  I figured that I should take one before going in for jury duty.  So, Monday night I climbed in the shower and took a shower.  

When I got to my feet I had a problem.  My left ankle looked as if I had a hammer hit it or something dropped on it!  Purple from collected blood.  I don't know how many days it has been like this.  We tend to dress in half light, I don't generally go looking at my body, and I can't see far clearly without my eyeglasses – so until I lifted my foot to wash it  - I had not seen the purple area.  I quickly finished my shower and yelled for my husband – who was as upset with it as I was.  

I went through the papers on my desk which had been collected to bring with me to jury duty and found the instructions on what to do in case of emergency and one cannot come.  8:30 the next morning I tried telephoning the court – steady busy signal.  Went back to sleep half an hour and then tried again.  I got a very nice woman who when I explained that a medical problem had come up overnight and I had to go to the doctor told me that all I needed to do was get a “doctor's note” and mail it along with my jury duty paperwork to them.  She did not even ask for my name or my “juror number”.  A lot simpler than I thought it would be.  Husband then telephoned the doctor for me and the first appointment available was at 3:30 that afternoon.  

After a late lunch we drove to the doctor's office.  He examined my foot asked questions and decided that it was not serious (I thought it might be PAD – as my mom has same).  I had a bad spasm in the back of my leg a little over 2 weeks ago and he said it might be from that.  Just to be sure he wanted me to get a scan of my leg.  (There was no problem getting the doctor's note for the court.)

Sitting in the car husband called the lab that was to do the test (using my phone as his has very limited minutes) figuring we would get an appointment for the next day if lucky.  They had an appointment available early evening same day – we took the appointment.  

Having taken my mom for these scans I was concerned – not only about something being found, but it has been a long waiting process and where we have to take her is not a place which is nice about doing the test or anything else.  The place we went (which is part of a chain of locations) was very nice.  Employees were wonderful – from the desk staff to the woman who did the test.  I did not have to fill in a lot of paperwork – it was mostly already filled in, just a few questions, signature and date.  Only a short wait.  The woman doing the test was very pleasant, explained what she was doing each step and kept checking that she was not hurting me.  What a difference from where mom has to go (as it is her doctor's office).  

Called today by doctor and all is fine.  We each took a big breath!  

Husband had asked the doctor if I needed to stay off my foot or keep it elevated and he said no, but we have been taking it easy and I sit here I have my feet on the one step (used to reach cabinet shelves) that is kept under the kitchen table (no place else to keep it) with my right foot on it and my left foot sitting on my right foot to elevate it a bit anyway.  

Foot looked a very little bit better today – but a bit is better than none or looking worse.

Last night husband did the dinner and late night snack cooking and even washed up afterward. Today we ran out and did a bit of food shopping – we had planned on a bigger food shopping trip today, but just the most important items were purchased.  Tomorrow it suppose to rain heavily.  Hopefully by Friday my foot will look much better – fingers crossed.    


Don't put off going to the doctor and worry about is going wrong – go, get it over with it and hopefully all will be well – or at least better than one thought it would be.  

No matter what one has plans to do – whether for fun or something which one has to do – one never knows what will happen that will cause one's plans to go awry.  

We had planned to go to an event our reenactment unit is having Sunday  - outside with lots of room to stay away from others  - that husband was really looking forward to as we have missed our hobby and being with our fellow “colonial people”, but as I put off the question of going or not going, he brought it up and said that we are NOT going.  It would be too much walking around and carrying things for me  - he says.  (That to me is true love.)

Thursday, October 6, 2022


 The past 2 days I have finally able to walk up and down the stairs without needing two hands – one on banister and one on opposite wall – to do so and not having to step on each step with both feet.  Only need the one hand on the banister.  This is making it easier on me to do things.  I could actually carry the empty laundry down the 2 flights to the basement to do this week's laundry – last week husband had to carry it down.  Leg is not perfect yet, but it is better.  

It is hard to get things down when one cannot carry things downstairs at all – I had progressed earlier in the past week to being able to hang a plastic shopping around my wrist on the hand which was holding the banister to get some things down the stairs or shove them in the pockets of my jeans – small, light things in both cases.  

Have not gotten a lot of work done due to this as I have been trying to not keep walking up and down the stairs so I tended to stay on the same floor of the house for as long as possible before moving to another floor.  Once downstairs to cook and eat dinner – stayed downstairs until for bed, for example.  Husband has been very helpful as he worries about me.  

So, I have not gotten much done the past week – mostly treading water to keep from falling further behind.  


One never know when something small will make big problems for one.  I try to keep the house up to date (though rarely succeed at same) to make it easier when something throws me off schedule.  Hopefully I will be caught up soon with what has fallen behind.