Thursday, January 24, 2019


Another week already? 

We had a cold and messy start to this week and spent the end of last week and the weekend getting ready.  I mentioned last week that we were expecting two storms.  I had cleared the walking areas of the house so we could walk in dim light if we had a loss of electricity. 

The first storm dropped an extremely small amount of snow overnight from Thursday to Friday.  At 6 am when I looked out the window the street was clear, but the driveway and sidewalks were white - but a minor amount.  By the time we went out around 2 pm, the snow had melted and was gone and it was above freezing.

The second storm was much more problematic. It was to be Saturday night into Sunday morning - and worst of all, extremely cold weather was expected to follow it.  Starting on Friday the information jumped back and forth - one weather report from the reporter my husband trusts was that the storm would come in to the north of us and we would not have more than a trace of snow.  His next report was that the storm was headed further south and we would be getting 6-8 inches of snow.  The next - he the storm was north of us again and we would get a trace to 3 inches.  All versions included freezing rain, sleet and then finally after hours of same - rain.  When the temperatures then dropped after the storm (we made it down to 7 degrees Fahrenheit) the mess would freeze so it would dangerous to go out on Monday and there would be (the dreaded, especially by husband) downed electrical lines and loss of electricity.

I have mentioned in past posts that over the years husband has become more “weather phobic” due to changes in the weather in our area and is terrified of big snow storms, ice storms, and hurricanes.  This is the result of having multiple huge snow storms for this area (sometimes 24 inch or more and then 2 days later another one) and repeated humongous hurricanes.  So I go along with his fears and his ideas of what to do to make him feel better.

In the case of winter storms we make sure that we have extra food in the house, some of which is things we would not normally spend money on.  In this case, for example, we had a bought a large (expensive) chicken pot pie the end of the week before.  Husband during the week asked me to make it for dinner.  I looked at him and said “I am saving it for the weekend”.  He thought a second and said “Good idea!”.  We bought deli turkey on Friday - we could have for lunch or dinner while in the house. 

Then we started on the fear of electricity loss.  One of his fears is that the water pipes, especially in the basement will freeze.  This was not something that was mentioned much - if at all - in this area until we started having weather much colder than normal a few years ago.  We put foam insulation on the basement pipes - but the pipes to our clothes washer and the basement sink are attached to the wall and we cannot fit anything behind them.  Husband sets up a space heater in the basement near these pipes when it gets bitter cold.  Last week I cleared away the assorted laundry and cleaning chemicals that are kept the platform which holds our basement sink so that they would not be near the heat.  We also took an indoor/outdoor thermometer I use in the basement for a Packtite (trademark) heater which kills bedbugs and set it up so the “outdoor” part was on the pipes so we could see how cold the pipes were.  At night we opened the cabinet doors under the bathroom/kitchen sinks and left the water dripping in same and the basement sink.   Biggest problem with his fears this year was that the news reporters were constantly talking about wires will be coming down.

We were lucky and the storm did pass to the north so we had no snow, just the freezing mess.  We stayed in through the worst of the cold through Monday - finally going out for lunch and a bit of shopping on Tuesday.  Today it made it into the 40s Fahrenheit. 

Luckily for once in recent years during these storms he was (relatively) happily on the Internet instead of pacing, biting his nails and staring out the window.  I managed to catch up on a variety of small things to get done on the computer and in our office - you know that all that relatively unimportant stuff that really needs to get done.  I even put together the mailing to our reenactment unit with their renewal paperwork. 

I still have not received the W2,etc. forms I requested from IRS - not that under the closure of the government I thought I would actually receive them.  I had planned to file them online if I did not receive them - but since I have not been able to file the annual return for our reenactment unit online (the only way that form can be filed) - I am concerned that I will not be able to file them online.  So today while we were out we stopped in at an office supply store and I bought packages of the forms - I have 50 W2s so that I can prepare ONE of them!  The other forms involved buying 10-25 forms.  Hopefully I will be returning them if I can file online or receive the other forms by the end of this week.  I plan to go to the client next week (I had planned on going this week until we had this weather - it will raining most of the rest of the week - hit and if the forms are being filed by mail, I need to have them with me when I go to her so she can sign the cover forms.

I now have to start taking down the Christmas tree decorations and the tree.  We need them down so that husband can warp his loom for his next weaving project.  Also, if we take the tree down and move the storage for the weaving (yarn and finished pieces) back to the living room I will have my area of our studio in the back room back.  I will leave the decorations up until the tree is finished - and maybe a bit longer- they look so nice.  (I think I mentioned that before all this weather we did take down the outside lights - the battery candles in the windows and the battery lit wreath at the door are still in place and still lit.)


When one faces one’s fears - whether husband’s fear of what the weather will do or starting to work on clearing a specific space in our house - one generally finds that what happens is not as bad as one fears.  While I always say that every day starts a new year - a new year has started, pick something that needs work and start on it.  Whatever you get done - it is that much less left to get done.  Whether it is a drawer or a box or a room it is one thing that is done.

I also wanted to stay I would love to hear from some of you to hear what you are doing or what your problem in organizing and decluttering is. 

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