Thursday, April 23, 2020


Well, here we are again – another week in the house.  I am getting some stuff done.  I also have learned to pay bills – so far electric and heating oil – by charging them to my credit card.  The electric bill last month was a timing problem – it was due before the money for it would come in and we could not go out and move money into our checking account.  The heating oil company, which I normally pay by check for each delivery, has its employees working from home and no checks can be mailed to them as there is no one in the office to deal with them – and I am guessing that they don't want to go out to the bank to deposit it either.  I had hoped that we would not get another delivery this season, but we did.  (Better than running out any way.)  So today I called one of my credit card companies and told them that I would be making an unusual charge to my account (did the same before the electric company bill was charged) and wanted to let them know.  Then I called the oil company and charged the bill to the credit card by phone. 

I have received 2 checks by mail and not being one to use my cell phone to deposit them with an app, I deposited them “old school.  I wrote out a deposit slip for them and mailed them to the local bank branch we use with a self- addresses, stamped envelope to return the receipt to me.  Most income we have is direct deposited into our checking account.  Luckily over the past couple of months I have changed almost all of the direct deposits to our checking account from our savings savings account.  The ones not changed are small and will not come for several months. 

I have also been calling the bank/credit card companies' computers to check what deposits have been received for my account and what amounts are due for the credit cards as I am not receiving statements since they go to our Post Office Box and cannot be forwarded.  Being the old-fashioned non-trusting person that I am  - I do not use the computer for anything financial. 

I am still coming up with meals with what is at hand.  Go figure fried eggs with a touch of brown sugar is good.  Baked breast of chicken with leftover (from March) Chinese restaurant rice was good – and since the rice when boiled again expands greatly taking in the water – one of the most filling meals we have had.  I also found out that we have probably have popcorn to pop to make meals on its own for a week!  I have found 3 separate plastic boxes of it in our pantry closet. 

Well, I have been busy doing nothing and now husband is here and ready for snack before bed so I will run with this quick, short post for this week.

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