Thursday, September 9, 2021


 Time for my annual discussion on years and resolutions.  

We have all been brought with the idea that December 31 to January 1 is the change of the year.  One sits at that point and looks back at what one has done and looks forward to coming year and what they would like to do (or not do) in the coming year.  One may not do this formally –  even if no resolutions one does this in their head.  

Similarly when one's birthday comes along the passing of time is in our head – how long do I have left?  What do I want to have done by next year's birthday or what do I want to stop doing.  

In the same way every day is the start of a new year.  Various religious and cultural groups have a different date for when the new year comes than the Christian calendar – Jewish New Year, Muslim New Year, Asian New Year… As I do every year, I offer my Jewish New Year to all of you as a start date for changes in what you want to do in life as well as in organizing.  Yesterday, Tuesday September 8, started the new year for us – it is considered to be the day that Adam and Eve were made.

Use this time as a chance to start fresh for a new year without needing to wait for January 1.  No resolutions – just pick one thing that you want to change – one thing – and do it.   Don't drop your jacket on the end of the staircase when you come in – hang it in the closet or on its hook.  Don't leave the dishes to do them all at the end of the day (and then end up saying ala Scarlett O'Hara “I'll think about doing them tomorrow).  Wash your dishes after every meal you have – or if you use a dishwasher put them in after every meal.  


Whatever small thing you can do to make a change – do it - TODAY!  Then set another day which will be next your next “new year” and plan what you will start to do then.  Little steps add up to big organization and lack of clutter.  It took years or decades to get to where you are  - you will not catch up in a day or a week or a month, perhaps not even in a year – but little steps add up.

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