Thursday, February 24, 2022


Done storing away Christmas last week. 
Due to the discontinuation of some 4G cell phone systems (which is not being mentioned in public releases - only 3G is being mentioned).  I have spent much of the past 2 weeks getting and being disappointed in a new cell phone.  The organization of my life depends on my cell phones.  Yes, cell phones. One is the only one which actually phone service, but I like the calendar in my original cell phone (a Palm Centro, the first smartphone) much better and continue to use it for same.  I like the games in the Blackberry I had after it, so it is still around for the games.  Now my first Android will join them in traveling around the house and on trips as it sooooo much better than my new one. 
My husband had assured me that "everything would like the same".  The poor man has spent the better part of 2 weeks trying to make that true - and it is not and the new one is terrible, but apparently most is due to software changes.  So my last one gets to stay in use in the house for what the new one either does not do or makes doing much harder - and that is true of most things in the new phone including making phone calls which the older one cannot be used for except by calling through the Internet as it no longer has service. 
This has thrown my organization into a tizzy.  One example - recently, since I feel comfortable again taking my cell phone out in public places - I had gone back to putting my shopping list in it (when one's phone is always with one, it cannot be forgotten).  Right now I am not ready to try to using the phone for the shopping list so I used the same spreadsheet I have used most of the pandemic.  I wrote out what needed to buy in the aisle order they are in the store.  I did not print it out right away as I wanted to add anything husband wanted.  Between when I finished the list and when he came down for pre-bed snack - the entire list disappeared and I had trouble finding my master list of where foods are located!!  I had to make a second shopping list from memory and hope I did not live anything out - which was the purpose of the first list which was collected as we found we needed to replace some food item - put us at going to bed an hour even later than normal.  (Used the list when we went shopping today and will know soon enough if we forgot to relist something and did not buy it.)
I use my assortment of cell phones (remember only one actually has service and can make calls) to keep my organized - from reminders ringing to shopping list it helps me.  I even had to rename items in the calendar - for example, I have a reminder for every day at 6:45 pm to stop what I am doing and start cooking dinner.  Dinner is what we call this meal and it is our main meal of the day.  In the new cell phone a picture showed up because it said "dinner".  I had to change it to "supper" to get rid of teh picture - despite that we do not call it that.  Same thing - any item which says "birthday" has a picture of a party - why would they do such a stupid, inane, annoying thing!  I have to go through my calendar and change these entries also!!  Why change something when it works well to something this annoying!!
My poor husband has been breaking his back trying to make everything comfortable for and usable by me and I feel so terrible that he has to do spend so much of his time doing so.

Aw, heck - my only thought this week is how annoyed I am about this phone!

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