Friday, December 30, 2022


 To pick up where I left off – 2 weeks ago – I finished my class and exams in 3 days.

We were way behind in decorating inside the house for Christmas. I used to do almost all of it, but in more recent years husband has been helping me. (“Don't climb up on that step stool, I'll put it on the tree for you.)

Our living room has changed over the past year. Back in my April 6 post I wrote about husband buying a small “big screen” TV. I was not happy about (and still am not). This involved rearranging our living room. We were careful to figure out how we would deal with our Christmas tree and decorations both in the living room and also in our dining room as a piece of furniture which used to pushed (it is on wheels) from the living room to the dining room to make room for the tree in the living room and holds a smaller tree in the living room – but could not longer be saved moved as it would be under the tree.

Moving a coffee table from the back of the living room to the dining room instead of the chest that cannot no longer be pushed there went fine. The tree went up in the new space at the back of the living room – doing well, it's working. Then we started putting the ornaments on the tree. I usually put them in a groupings – all the angels at the top of the tree, bear ornaments in one area, TV/movie characters in another area, souvenir ornaments in yet another area and so on. This was not working and we ended up just putting ornaments on the tree. We had a number of ornaments we did not put on the tree as we gave up – not enough room? A couple of days later I realized the problem – in its old location the tree used to have two “fronts”. Huh? Well the tree faced into the living room – a “front” of the tree. The side of the tree faced our entry way – another “front” of the tree. In the back of the living room it faced into the room – one “front” but two of the other sides faced side walls with no easy view of them and the last side faced the windows. Aha! There is less space for ornaments to be featured!

I have all sorts of Christmas decorations I put around the living room, kitchen and dining room – and a few I put in our entry hall. They hang from things, sit on things, etc. I started putting them out. I did okay in the kitchen – changed the decorations sitting on our window sill to the Christmas ones which belong there. Changed out some mugs from our travel mug collection for Christmas mugs.

I moved on to the dining room. I did not have the energy to put fake greens on the light fixture – so I just hung the “kissing ball” from the bottom of same. I set up the small Christmas tree we setup in there. We belong to Colonial Williamsburg and get an annual ornament from them – these go on this tree. Our dining room is decorated as a 18th century tavern room so a tree is not really correct in there – but they are ornaments of 18th century things. Normally this tree would go on the box wheeled from the living room, but the new plan was for it to go on the coffee table from there the main tree is now, moved into the dining room instead of the box. This went okay.

But now I started getting to figurines, stuffed animals, Christmas Lego pieces and such which would get setup in the living room – I did not have enough space for them. WHY? I realized that in the past we had two large flat surfaces for them – the coffee table (which would have been in the living room and without a tree on it) and the box pushed into the dining room (and would have the tree on it, with empty space around it). I was missing the equivalent space of the top of the box! I got most of the items out and setup on “something”. The stuffed Christmas bears still fit well on the sofa in the living room. Some large figurines (Santa, elves…) was a tight fit, but went in the area they normally do by the entrance into the living room – they stick out a bit further into “traffic” which worried my husband, but seem to be okay and have not caused any trips or falls by either of us. The Legos actually got to go on the table the TV is on – they are small enough to sit along the ends of the table and not affect watching TV.

Well, decorations are what they are for now. I will think over the problems for next year to see what/how I can improve where decorations and cut down on being upset at the changes his TV has brought.

I did not get a chance to decorate my “Teddy Bear Village” in the upstairs hall. Poor bears are still celebrating Easter! But I plan to do so during the coming weekend.

We leave our decorations for a while to enjoy them. The big items in the living room – such as the tree – will come down in mid January. I have an agreement with my husband. From mid December to mid January we decorate for Christmas. From mid January to mid December he has the room setup his loom and weave. Around then – or perhaps a little later the other Christmas will also get stored away.

For now we can sit and enjoy looking them.

Oh, I forgot our studio tree! We have a craft studio in what should be our “family room/den”. I put a small tree in the front corner of the room on a dresser (for storage) with some of the various ornaments we have made over the decades.


I do hope that all have/are having a good holiday season!

Thursday, December 15, 2022


 Sorry to miss you all for 2 weeks again, but it has been more of the same – but this is a longer post to make up for it.

I finally finished the real estate tax exemption paperwork the middle of last week.

We don't mail it in – we used to mail it in, but one year we received a phone call (prerecorded mass calling) that we had not yet submitted our paperwork – so I had to reprint it all and we walked it into their office. (I walked it in, husband waited in car – more about this later.) It turned out that our overeager, newly elected county executive recorded the call to go out to those people who normally file for the exemption, but had not done so – but some idiot sent the phone call to all landowners in the county – and most of the those who received the call did not even qualify for the exemption and many were businesses. They did have our paperwork – all that extra work and wasted paper.

So, since then I walk the paperwork into the assessor's office and they give me a receipt for it. Parking is next to impossible so husband continues to wait in the car while I walk it in. I will say they did add evening hours the first year of the pandemic just for this purpose so those (including me) who did not feel comfortable coming into a busy county office building – and busy assessor's office) could come in the evening – there was plenty of parking when I went at night, but husband still waited in the car.

I walked in the paper into their office the middle of last week – I was shocked at how empty the office was – one woman ahead of me in line and two people ahead of her sitting and waiting. So it was a quick drop off.

We then went on to our next reason to be in the area. I had received a jury notice! When I looked up online where to park as a juror it was confusing with the lot they were specifying alternatively being called “Lot 7” and “Lot 17” and different lots for certain other types of jury duty. The location to report to for jury duty had also been changed to a different court building since last time either of us was called and we wanted to check how to go in, etc. as neither of us really wants to be around people any more than we need to – due to Covid concerns. I was even more confused after we looked as lots seemed to all be pay lots and Lot 7 specified 3 hour limit “for visitors” - how would they know if I was a visitor or a juror. During a telephone call to the courts the following day about this I was told that there is no charge for parking in any of the lots and I could park in any of the lots – apparently they are no using the metering system, but the signs are still there.

I was upset at going for jury duty due to not being a morning person – even more so since the start of Pandemic and I can deal with just about everything later in the day – so lunch time for normal people is our wake up time these past few years. (We stay up into the next morning to offset this late wake up time.) And jurors have to be at the court by 8:45 am – with wake up time to include an allowance to get up, dress, and drive there. In addition husband has not been home alone since the start of the Pandemic and before then I only went out alone 2 days a month – and he has aged during the pandemic. He does not like being alone in the house. Last time I went for jury duty he came along and sat and read during the day. Since jury duty was in a different location, combined with not know if Covid restrictions were in place we decided he should not come as did not want him to end up sitting in the car all day. So unlike earlier times I have gone for jury duty this time was extremely upsetting. I could not ask for a delay as I had done so at the last minute as I was suppose to go the day after I found my left ankle to be blue and called in a medical exemption at the last minute so I could go to the doctor.

Then at the last minute it got worse. How could it get it worse? It was to snow over the night before into the early morning. So – I had not really driven in over 3 years – 4 times locally -

and not much for about a decade before and now I was going to possibly be driving while it was snowing or at least with snow on the ground?! Luckily the snow on the roadways had melted by the time I had to leave and husband woke up (no way he was going to be asleep while I out) and helped me clear the snow off the car. Other than a problem remembering how to work the windshield wipers, I was okay driving and even figured a shorter way to go to the courts than we had planned.

I had agreed to keep texting him when I was not involved in a case and did so. Texted him when I got there, and again when I settled in the large room where we got to see “the movie” and our tickets were collected. (So many stupid people I could not believe it – could not understand the simple “Keep the top half of the form you received. Take the “Juror ID” card off the bottom left of the bottom half. Make sure you filled in the back of the form (I did so as soon as I received the notice) and give us the “L” shaped piece of form you have left” (after removing the juror ID section). People were turning in the form with the back not filled in. Removing the other piece from the bottom (not the ID form) and so on. )

I next texted him when we were left to wait to be called. I went into an adjoining waiting room and was standing in a far corner where no one else was and I would text him every 5- 10 minutes. Then I lost the signal to my cell phone. This is a problem with this phone – I need to reboot it and then it works again. There was a bank of old telephone booths (no phones, just the booths) and I sat in one and rebooted my phone using the table area under where the phone used to be. Each time I rebooted it lines would appear for service, but by the time I tried to text – the signal would be gone again. My concern that my husband not hearing from me that I was going into the voir dire and that I would not be available would be UPSET at not hearing from me. I started walking around and found that in the lobby or hallway phone worked - so I stayed out there next to the jury waiting areas so I could hear if they called people. I think that there was something suddenly blocking the signals as they had started voir dire in adjacent rooms. Though there was a woman earlier who had spent about half an hour on a call to her travel agent booking a trip – we got to hear when she would be away, where she would be and her credit card information – I can't imagine anyone giving out all this information in a room of bored people who could be anyone.

Three different groups of people were called in for voir dire. I had started sitting out in the lobby so that my cell phone kept working. I heard them starting to call people again and went to the doorway – my name was included and I followed the others as I had not heard which room to go to. Major surprise! Employee came in and told us we were chosen – we could not go back into the main waiting room and could not tell anyone there – but we were being dismissed! I texted husband as soon as I was back in the car to let him know! Thank goodness.

That afternoon I started taking my tax preparation required classes – more about same next week.

Thursday, December 1, 2022


 Yes, it's been a few weeks since I posted.  My apologies.  I am sure all of you have gotten into periods of time when too much has TO be done in too short a time – that's where I have been.

I have to do extensive paperwork for us to apply for senior reduction in our real estate taxes.  Last year our submission took 126 pages - and when I dropped this office they were NOT surprised at how big the submission was and had clips large enough for it all – I submit it in 2 sections as we don't.

While my part of doing this is bad enough, I had trouble getting the correct printout from our medical insurance company – it took a letter and 4 or 5 phone calls over the period of almost 2 months to finally get the paperwork we needed – and I had sent a copy of last year's printout to show them what we needed with the first request.  I have to enclose proof of all incomes (umm, do they think I would include an income we didn't have?).  Since I am self-employed I also have to include proof of all my business expenses and the same for husband's business.  This year for the first time we also had to get a print of what income IRS has for us.  Have I mentioned copies of our Federal AND State income tax returns have to be sent also?   One thing which has become easier is that since I am not going out to clients due to Covid I am not taking car expenses so I don't have to copy all of that and include it (submission with same used to be something like 170 pages).  I finally got a chance to work on all of this this week – due by January 2 – but who wants to be dealing it with it during the fun of December.  We will walk this into the county assessor's office as one year there was confusion and even with mailing it certified mail, we were not sure if they received it in the mail.  

I also have to take a series of courses to be able to be able to prepare income tax returns next year – 20 hours of classes plus exams.  Luckily I can do at this home online – but it does take a lot of time – actual time is lot more than 20 hours.  

So last week I started working on the real estate tax exemption paperwork.  I was doing well and then – I got a notice from IRS that we never filed a partnership return for a zero income (for decades) business we have.  It was due and filed last March!!  So I had to print it all out again.  I know that our state received their form as they cashed the check.  The IRS form has no check which is why we did not know it was not received.  Being in accounting since I was 12 years old and I know how to appeal an accidental problem such as this so that there is no penalty – but the notice came with different instructions and I was not sure what was made by what part of it said.  Tried calling the special number for IRS on the form on Monday morning.  Now, I know that Monday is the worst day of the week to try calling – well, any business – as they get more calls after the weekend.  I also know that later in the day is better than earlier, but husband insisted that I call right away.  (An any business with a phone number which is open across the country until later so those on west coast can call – is much better to call later than earlier as, again, fewer people are calling later after business hours on the east coast and same across the county end. )  While I was setting up that evening to go on a Zoom meeting with our reenactment unit I tried calling again – this time I actually got into the waiting que.  I texted my husband – he was going to attend the Zoom meeting on his computer upstairs – what was going on and to explain to the other members if I suddenly disappeared.  The call was finally taken by someone from IRS and the matter of what to do to resolve it was solved.  It was mailed out certified mail on Friday – why did I wait for Friday?  I figured (correctly) that the Post Office would be empty the day after Thanksgiving as most everyone would be shopping.  

As of last night I had done most of the photocopying/scanning of the paperwork for the real estate tax exemption.  BUT – I received in the mail from an accounting client on the other side of the country an IRS notice she received on her income taxes (due last April of course and sent then – they must be way behind in processing returns).  I determined that the problem was my fault, though only an omission of a form, and I went to print out the form to send it to IRS.  It was missing.  I had used husband's computer (with data on my stick data drive) as his computer is newer than mine and the program needs same.  So I went to print out the page to send it to IRS.  The software was missing from his computer and we had to reinstall it.  Got the page printed out, wrote a cover letter and got it ready to mail to IRS by – again, certified mail.  I had planned to mail it out today, but the rain was so heavy will mail it tomorrow.  

I then went back to working on our real estate (partial) exemption paperwork.  I am missing about 10 pages I know I printed out (I have the other 2 pages, so I must have printed all of them) and will have to reprint that tomorrow.  Hopefully this will be done by the end of the week and we can bring it to the county assessor's office next week.  (I will take it in while husband waits in car – too crowded to park there and they have metered parking.)

That will leave the classes I need to take.  I have already picked out which ones I plan to take.  Some of the courses are required – a basic income tax class, a special class to meet IRS requirements for being a tax preparer (the longest of the classes),  and a class on ethics.  The other classes it is up to me which ones to take.  This year they have several 1 hour classes and I will take 3 of them.  After reading the course text book for each course I have to take (and pass) an online exam.  

While I have until the end of the year for these classes I can't put it off.  Husband is planning on our going with our reenactment unit for the Candlelight nights at the local restoration village (as volunteers) and he really needs me to be there with him as we are light on member volunteers this year.  (Whether it is a good idea to do this or not with Covid about as it is tiny space, I will not discuss with him as he REALLY needs to do the event.)  

And, of course, we have not put up any Christmas decorations outside or inside the house – yet!  Plus who knows what else will pop up?

Thursday, November 10, 2022



Husband is currently working on installing new backup software on his computer and having problems. Which leads me to ask – do you back up your computer? Often?

We are not comfortable backing up our software or keeping any data, etc in “the Cloud”. We back up on additional drives which are in our house. Leaving aside that we don't feel comfortable keeping personal information on what is basically someone else's hard drive, by keeping the backups here – we can access it even if we do not Internet access for some reason – or for a limited amount time, we can access it on our laptop computers if we do not have same. (When a big storm is coming and we may lose our electricity we plug in all of our laptops - even the old Win XP ones - so we have them to use during a black out.

We keep our data on USB flash drives – the little stick drives not on our computers – makes it easier to switch between computers or when, in normal times, we travel we can bring the data with us. In my case I have one for most data. Another one for the one accounting business client I still have (when I go to her to do her books I can bring just her data), I have one for my photos, another down here in the kitchen which I use for personal browsing at night on my laptop. And so on. I probably have about 10 different of these stick drives with my data on them – and they are not large memory drives.

This past year I added a drive with scans of almost all of the instruction and warranty books we have – much easier to find the instructions when we need them – yes, we do have to have a computer turned on – or turn one on – but before I had to go through paper folders in the bottom drawer (of two) in one of our file cabinets and since I was bending over and looking down, my eyeglasses would swing forward away from my eyes and possibly fall off. The (hanging) folders were so full that they could barely move in the file drawer. Do we need a computer which is on to look at the papers – yes, but chances are pretty good that one or the other of us (or both) have a computer on – and if not, it takes less time to turn one on and have it boot than sit and go through all the folders looking for something.

In addition to instructions and warranties the drawer had files for travel items – maps, handouts we had picked up on where to go “next time”, places we had liked and wanted to return to, tour books on different areas, etc. I got rid of all of the out of date brochures, tour books, etc. also. We kept a handful of local maps to places we go to often (you know, the ones they hand out free to the tourists of tourist locations), and of some places we have been to in the past (such as nice, inexpensive restaurant in one of the places we visit less often). Down from 3 overstuffed hanging folders to one fairly empty one. I did not copy larger, books of instructions and have kept them in the drawer. I also copied those instructions for our RV to a separate stick drive so we can bring it with us on trips. I have since copied the main warranty/instructions stick drive to a folder on our home net so husband does not even have to look for my stick drive if he needs info.

I now have 5 fairly empty hanging folders in the drawer. One holds instruction books which are tomes and too big to scan (plus they have actual book binding which would break). The other 4 holds those small warranty papers which one needs for a couple of years or so – you know, they come with a fancy pen, or they are on the back of the package. These 4 folders are marked with a year – currently 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025. I drop these small papers/packaging into the year they will expire. Something with a 6 mo warranty that was bought now would go into the 2023 folder, something with a 2 year warranty I would put into the 2024 folder. Chances are none of them have a warranty beyond 3 years. At the end of the years I will look through each folder and toss the warranties past their life. When I am done with the 2022 folder it will become the 2026 folder and so on. I am also dropping all of the paperwork for new items which I am concerned we may decide to return into the folder for the following year so we have the original paperwork also.

Now, backing up – the original theme of this piece. I have 2 of these stick drives, marked A and B. At the end of a work session I back up my main data stick drive – plus any of the other data stick drives I have used – onto either the A or B stick drives alternating each day. At the end of the week I do the same with two different stick drives (called 1 and 2) so I have a backup from the past week and the week before. I also have 2 external hard drives. Around the 15th of the month I back up all the data stick drives to the two external hard drives, alternating by month between the two. I also run a back up of each of my two main computers (desktop and laptop) and make a restore point on each.

When my husband was still working full time, once a month I would give him a back up all of data for him to keep in his desk at work and he would bring home the backup from the month before. When he quit his job I did the same with our bank box until the pandemic started. This way if something happened to our house – there would be a set of data away from home (off site).

All without needing to store any data on “someone's else's hard drive”.


Do you back up your computer data and computer itself? One never knows what happen and putting information back together may impossible.

Thursday, October 27, 2022


What amazes me is how the long days last, but how quick the hours, minutes and seconds go.

You know what I mean. I start out with a list of things to do – not too long a last, but a list which is reasonable for the time I have. But time passes so quickly that I get almost nothing done.

And the weeks are event worse – it seems like it was yesterday that I wrote and posted last week.

If I go to check in my calendar when I did something – which I did only a few days ago – it has been weeks, maybe even months since I actually did it.

The summer just started – right? But now it is mid- autumn already.



How do YOU deal with this odd passing of time to get everything done? I really could use some help.

Thursday, October 20, 2022


 My foot is much healed  - though not completely yet – since last week.  

It has been hard staying off my foot as much as possible.  This means, of course, sitting in one place or another and greatly limiting switching to other places – though we did have to go out for a bit of food shopping.  Staying off my foot seems to be working as it seems be about half better already.  

Husband has been trying to help as much as possible – he even washed the dishes for a couple of days.  He has always been upset that I did not replace our dishwasher when it died – as much as he did not want me having to wash the dishes by hand, he did not want to have to do so himself when I could not.  Even long before Covid I would put on a mask (he has them for his woodworking) or tying a towel around my face and putting on disposable plastic gloves when ill so he would not have to do the dishes.    He also cooked – but he has always been the cook of the two of us.   


One needs to be prepared for when cannot do the normal housework – or other jobs which one normally does.  What sort of plans do YOU have for when you cannot deal with house, cooking, or work for a period of time.  

Do you have someone else to take over or help you – spouse, child, parent, housemate or really good friend?  Do you have disposable goods – paper plates, cups, napkins to use when you cannot deal with washing up after meals?  The telephone number of a place which delivers for an affordable price?

Whether an injury or an illness which keeps one home one needs to be prepared to be able to eat and deal with one's house should something happen.

Thursday, October 13, 2022


 Well, last week I wrote about not being able to get housework done due to a problem with my leg and that it was finally getting better.  But, life has its own way of having its fun!  

I was scheduled to go for jury duty yesterday (Tuesday).  Like many to most people I did not want particularly to go, even more so, due to the continuation of Covid in our area.  The idea of sitting closely in a room with other people scares the heck out of me.  But I had figured that based on my age I could not be called for jury duty again after this time as there is a minimum time that must pass between when one serves jury duty (even if not actually put on a jury) and when one can be called again and by the time I could be called again I would be past the age when I have to serve on a jury.  In addition I had already pushed the date back 6 months by requesting an automatic delay.  I had actually picked this week as my alternate date to serve as it was about as far I could push back the jury duty and it was a 4 day week – I figured that cut my chances of being seated on a jury by 20%.  That did not work.

I am not, especially during the pandemic and sitting home most of the time, a person who takes a shower every day – and since the pandemic started I have been taking a shower even less often than usual.  I figured that I should take one before going in for jury duty.  So, Monday night I climbed in the shower and took a shower.  

When I got to my feet I had a problem.  My left ankle looked as if I had a hammer hit it or something dropped on it!  Purple from collected blood.  I don't know how many days it has been like this.  We tend to dress in half light, I don't generally go looking at my body, and I can't see far clearly without my eyeglasses – so until I lifted my foot to wash it  - I had not seen the purple area.  I quickly finished my shower and yelled for my husband – who was as upset with it as I was.  

I went through the papers on my desk which had been collected to bring with me to jury duty and found the instructions on what to do in case of emergency and one cannot come.  8:30 the next morning I tried telephoning the court – steady busy signal.  Went back to sleep half an hour and then tried again.  I got a very nice woman who when I explained that a medical problem had come up overnight and I had to go to the doctor told me that all I needed to do was get a “doctor's note” and mail it along with my jury duty paperwork to them.  She did not even ask for my name or my “juror number”.  A lot simpler than I thought it would be.  Husband then telephoned the doctor for me and the first appointment available was at 3:30 that afternoon.  

After a late lunch we drove to the doctor's office.  He examined my foot asked questions and decided that it was not serious (I thought it might be PAD – as my mom has same).  I had a bad spasm in the back of my leg a little over 2 weeks ago and he said it might be from that.  Just to be sure he wanted me to get a scan of my leg.  (There was no problem getting the doctor's note for the court.)

Sitting in the car husband called the lab that was to do the test (using my phone as his has very limited minutes) figuring we would get an appointment for the next day if lucky.  They had an appointment available early evening same day – we took the appointment.  

Having taken my mom for these scans I was concerned – not only about something being found, but it has been a long waiting process and where we have to take her is not a place which is nice about doing the test or anything else.  The place we went (which is part of a chain of locations) was very nice.  Employees were wonderful – from the desk staff to the woman who did the test.  I did not have to fill in a lot of paperwork – it was mostly already filled in, just a few questions, signature and date.  Only a short wait.  The woman doing the test was very pleasant, explained what she was doing each step and kept checking that she was not hurting me.  What a difference from where mom has to go (as it is her doctor's office).  

Called today by doctor and all is fine.  We each took a big breath!  

Husband had asked the doctor if I needed to stay off my foot or keep it elevated and he said no, but we have been taking it easy and I sit here I have my feet on the one step (used to reach cabinet shelves) that is kept under the kitchen table (no place else to keep it) with my right foot on it and my left foot sitting on my right foot to elevate it a bit anyway.  

Foot looked a very little bit better today – but a bit is better than none or looking worse.

Last night husband did the dinner and late night snack cooking and even washed up afterward. Today we ran out and did a bit of food shopping – we had planned on a bigger food shopping trip today, but just the most important items were purchased.  Tomorrow it suppose to rain heavily.  Hopefully by Friday my foot will look much better – fingers crossed.    


Don't put off going to the doctor and worry about is going wrong – go, get it over with it and hopefully all will be well – or at least better than one thought it would be.  

No matter what one has plans to do – whether for fun or something which one has to do – one never knows what will happen that will cause one's plans to go awry.  

We had planned to go to an event our reenactment unit is having Sunday  - outside with lots of room to stay away from others  - that husband was really looking forward to as we have missed our hobby and being with our fellow “colonial people”, but as I put off the question of going or not going, he brought it up and said that we are NOT going.  It would be too much walking around and carrying things for me  - he says.  (That to me is true love.)

Thursday, October 6, 2022


 The past 2 days I have finally able to walk up and down the stairs without needing two hands – one on banister and one on opposite wall – to do so and not having to step on each step with both feet.  Only need the one hand on the banister.  This is making it easier on me to do things.  I could actually carry the empty laundry down the 2 flights to the basement to do this week's laundry – last week husband had to carry it down.  Leg is not perfect yet, but it is better.  

It is hard to get things down when one cannot carry things downstairs at all – I had progressed earlier in the past week to being able to hang a plastic shopping around my wrist on the hand which was holding the banister to get some things down the stairs or shove them in the pockets of my jeans – small, light things in both cases.  

Have not gotten a lot of work done due to this as I have been trying to not keep walking up and down the stairs so I tended to stay on the same floor of the house for as long as possible before moving to another floor.  Once downstairs to cook and eat dinner – stayed downstairs until for bed, for example.  Husband has been very helpful as he worries about me.  

So, I have not gotten much done the past week – mostly treading water to keep from falling further behind.  


One never know when something small will make big problems for one.  I try to keep the house up to date (though rarely succeed at same) to make it easier when something throws me off schedule.  Hopefully I will be caught up soon with what has fallen behind.

Thursday, September 29, 2022


Something we don't really think about planning for – but should.  Yesterday I pulled a muscle in the back of my left shin – OW!  I have done this before and it goes away so I (and my poor husband) are just putting up with it for now.  

I figured out the least painful – and safest – way for me to go up and down the stairs.  It happened on the steps outside our back door on our trip out for lunch – so I was walking about in stores for awhile before I had to deal with the steps again.  I need to keep my left leg straight as much as possible to avoid pain.  I never realized that there are so many things I do which I never think of as I do them.  

Apparently my left leg cannot be higher than my right leg – by which I mean – on the stairs I have to step up with my right leg and then pull the left one up to the same step -repeat.  Coming down the stairs I have to step down with my left leg and then with my right leg.  Basically if my legs are different steps my right leg has to be the one higher up.  When I forget – I am quickly reminded by the pain.  

When sitting in the house I put my left leg up on something – in the kitchen I use the single step that I keep under the table so I can climb up and reach the higher shelves in the  top cabinets (meaning anything above the bottom shelf).  Convenient to rest my left leg on – and since the step is at back end of the table (a couple of feet from where I am sitting) when I put my foot on it my leg is more or less straight on a slight downward angle – perfect for my leg.  (I am at the table as I write.)  When at my desk I have a file box stored under under it which serves the same purpose.  That leaves the car and our lunch out today as the problems – I tried to keep my leg in the air as much as I could.  

But how does this relate to organizing?

Well, it is laundry night.  Main laundry has to come down 2 flights of stairs to the basement from the hall closet outside of our bedroom.  I always tie the laundry bag closed and give them a shove down these stairs – so that was relatively easy.  I cannot do this with our basement stairs as there is a display of electric trains cars across from the foot of the steps – maybe 2 feet from the bottom step – and I don't want to damage them.  I was planning to ask my husband to carry the bag down for me – but being the nice person he is he figured out the problem and offered to carry the bag downstairs.  The bag for our downstairs laundry (towels from kitchen and downstairs bathroom only – unless we use a tablecloth or fabric napkins due to a holiday and that I could carry down the stairs and did.  

First load of laundry (clothing) is now in the dryer and second load (towels and laundry bags) is in the washer.  Later when he comes downstairs for late night/pre-bed snack I will ask him to carry the laundry basket down for me.  I will empty the dryer into the laundry basket and throw the second load in the dryer – it will stay there until tomorrow anyway  after it finishes running and hopefully I will be better by then.  I fold the laundry in bed while he is getting ready for bed (and usually a bit after in the dark by the light of the TV) so that is not a problem.  

I know that I often read about how important it is to have one's family throw the laundry in “the hamper”.  I don't use a hamper – I hang our big laundry bag at the bottom of the closet – 3 hooks in the closet and 3 rings on the laundry bag which line up with them and hold the bag up and open.  This holds dirty clothes, towels, bedding and anything else. When time for laundry take the rings off the hooks, pull the bag closed  - go to top of staircase to ground floor of house and  -  - push !  Gravity takes the bag down the stairs.  Any laundry which goes into closet before the bag is replaced, I just pick up and toss in when I put the bag back.  Downstairs I have a smaller laundry bag hanging on a hook on the basement side of the door to the basement.  Just take it down and carry the relatively light bag when I go down to put the first load in the dryer and start this load.  Laundry bags both go in the second load.  

Sheets and pillowcases are their own load when I wash them, as are blankets.  Some weeks I need to wash reenacting clothing also – and they can be one or two loads depending on if I only need to the “small clothes” - that is the period undergarments, socks, neck cloths and cap, depending on if all need washing or if there are main clothing items which also need to be laundered.


Sometimes things happen – whether an injury, an illness, not being able to do a chore on the day it is normally done (such as being away or involved in a problem which arises), or a myriad of other things which throws one work schedule off or makes it harder to deal with or equipment needed dies.  One should have some idea of alternatives (do the laundry the next day or have someone else do it if you can, get help and so on) that can be used in these situations.  Or one has to learn to think quickly on their feet to deal with things.

Thursday, September 22, 2022


 I haven't written a post since the start of the month?  I am shocked.  I actually have last week's post writing (and posting of it) checked off in my calendar!  

And nothing special to write this week either.  Hmmm -

Multitasking – that's it!  I do a lot of multitasking to get things done.  As I am writing this the first load of laundry for the week is in the washer.  I am in the kitchen and can sort of hear the washer – plus I set an alarm in my older cell phone to remind to go down in 50 minutes and switch loads.  

I will then transfer this load – all of our clothes from the past week (with two sets of exceptions) to the dryer and toss in the towels and laundry bags to wash.  Reset alarm for another 50 minutes and put the clothes in the laundry basket with husband's shirts laid across the top of the load so they don't get wrinkled.  The towels then go into the dryer.  

If we have used most (or all) of our Covid masks (we are still wearing them when we go out as we are both high risk and many people here still do so) I will throw them into the washer for another load.  I put the masks in smaller sized net bags that zipper closed to protect them in the washer.  I own 3 bags and will spread the masks as evenly as possible in the bags.   The alarm is reset for another 50 minutes.  If not the alarm will not be reset as I don't take the last load out until tomorrow.  

If the masks are in the washer, when I go down again I will put the towels in the larger laundry bag from the dryer and leave it on top of the washer.  The masks will go into the dryer set on half an hour and will be taken out the next day.  I take the masks out of the net bags for drying, but zip the bags closed again and put them in the dryer with the masks.  

Some weeks I have a different third load than the masks.  When I have a load of sweatshirts that I wear to keep warm – in winter as it is cold and in hot weather because husband has the air conditioner on and I get too cold.  These would go in the washer after the towels as an extra load every few weeks when I have used up most of them.  Or I could be washing the sheets and pillowcases from our bed as a third (or even fourth load).  Once in awhile I could also be washing the blankets from the bed as an additional load.  

While all of the laundry is being done I write and post to all of you.  I also visit an online needlework group.  Sometimes I do some clothing repair/sock darning.  

And while I do almost everything in the house – the TV is on for me to “watch” - well, mostly listen to and look up at every now.  


Plan to use your time as well as possible.  If you have something that you can “set and forget” such as laundry – use the same time to do something which takes more attention. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022


Another month gone already? Hard to believe.

Early in the pandemic we had been going out food shopping about every 2 months – takes a lot of planning to manage to do that.  More recently we have been doing so every 3 weeks.  

Why every 3 weeks?  We have been treating ourselves to a frozen entree meal on Sunday nights.  I can fit 4 of them in our SMALL spare freezer which is in our basement with everything else which needs to fit in it. So to be sure that we do not run out we shop – and refill on these dinners – every 3 weeks, buying 3 new ones to add to the one left in the freezer.  

I have come up with a good way to organize what we need to buy.  On one of early trips to this supermarket I wrote on the back of my shopping list which items – that we use – were in each aisle.  My aisle one is the first one we go to when shopping – NOT the aisle they have marked as Aisle 1.  The store is a Walmart “Neighborhood Market” - a supermarket and pharmacy with related items only.  Our regular Walmart stores are relatively small compared to those elsewhere (even the one Supermarket seems unusually small to me) and only have small food sections.  

I keep track of items on which we are running low or otherwise need to buy in a memo app in my cell phone.  

I then set up a worksheet in Excel to use for my shopping list.  I have a list by aisle number (my numbering system as mentioned above) on the right side of the worksheet of items in each aisle – by category.  In the middle of the worksheet I have a master list of things we buy – again listed by aisle.  A night or so before we will be going shopping I go through the list in my cell phone and add it to the left side of the worksheet – again by aisle number.  I then do a quick look through of the items in our small pantry closet in the kitchen and the items which are being stored on my work tablet in our studio (one day I will actually be able to use the work table again) and see what we need to buy – or might want to buy as something different.  The night before we are going shopping husband and I sit and I run the through the list with him while we have our late night snack (our 3rd meal of the day).  He might say he no longer wants a food that we are low on or that he wants to make something different for dinner, or that he wants to add something to the list.  When we are done I print out the list (actually I copy it to Notepad and then to a 2 column file in Libreoffice so it is a shorter,  2 column list and easier to deal with in the store).  

Our state made it illegal (just as the pandemic was starting by coincidence) for stores to hand out plastic bags and depending on where in the state one lives (by county/ major city) either one is charged a fee per paper bag which goes to the state or if one's county/major city has not passed such a law, the stores may charge for paper bags (and of course for heavier reusable plastic bags).  Over the decades I have done something which organizing books (and my husband) say not to do – I have saved bags – paper and plastic – and we have used them for various purposes when needed – including our hand crafted business (though can no longer use for same) at craft shows.  I figure we have close to a lifetime's amount of bags to use.  If we are going in a store casually – no list, only looking for a few items, I fold up the plastic bags (the “one time use ones”) and put them in the back pockets of my jeans – remember, I don't carry a purse or pocketbook – I can fit up to 3 bags in each of the pockets depending on the weight of the bag material.  When we are going in for one of the major food shopping trips I have paper bags – kept doubled – in the back of our vehicles to take in and use.  Generally 4 of these doubled bags is what we need for the 3 week shopping trips.  

So last night we went over the list I had made, added a couple of things, removed a couple of things – and printed it out.  Ready to go today!

Of course life loves playing jokes on people (sometimes it seems especially on us).  Husband woke up early this morning as he was so terribly warm – he got out of bed to turn the air conditioner colder – no lights on the air conditioner, clock not lit up – electricity was out!   So he did what he does whenever there is a problem and I am sleeping – he woke me up in a panic.  I tried to telephone our electric company  - but could not find them in my current or old cell phone in the address books – I started to panic and was about to go across the hall to our home office for the most recent bill – when husband mentioned their name – duh moment! - I was looking for their old name.  Call made to electric company and back to sleep – sort of, but not really as he was terribly nervous about the outage.  We have an ongoing problem – a transformer on the nearby utility pole blows and shuts off.  It makes a loud noise and generally the noise will wake me up and we know what happened – don't know it may have been same or not this time.  (One time this transformer blew 3 times within a week.)

In just about an hour I heard everything click on and we had our electricity back.  Then husband started to panic over whether or not food had gone back in the refrigerator or freezer.  I told him that I had not fallen asleep until after 6 am – not unusual for me – so the electricity had been off for less than 3 hours.  Later he checked the thermometer we keep in the fridge – it is a remoter read and the highest temperature in the past 24 hours was okay.  

So we got dressed, went out to Wendys for lunch and off to food shop.  Many food items still not in stock – we were able to buy frozen carrots for only the second time in months – and finally full sized bags of same were available.  Well, at least now we are stocked for another 3 weeks – though we will do some filling in at one of the regular Walmarts near us as needed for bread and such I between – and the outage was short and not AFTER we filled the freezer and refrigerator.  

Make sure you can easily find the contact information for your utility companies in case they are needed in an emergency.  After we came home and unpacked I went into my cell phone (and my old cell which I use a PDA also) and put in a fictitious phone listing with the old name of our electric utility – it has the old name and a note of the correct one, so next time there is an emergency and I forgot the name changed – I will see the correct one to contact when I look up the old one.  Trust me – it will prevent a lot of panic in the years to come.

Thursday, August 25, 2022


 Two weeks without a post- sorry – not sure how they went past unnoticed.  Husband has had me busy working on projects.  

My husband and are - in addition to our professions – professional craft artists.  We have each worked in an assortment of media over the decades – husband, a larger assortment than me.  Currently husband is working at weaving.  

Our living room serves as a “loom room” from around mid January to mid December.  (I get the room back for remaining month to decorate for Christmas.)  He recently bought a smallish big screen TV which is also in the living room – due to lack of anywhere else to put it.  

Our reenactment unit has two events coming up in the next couple of months which are more of craft demonstrations than correct 18th century reenactments, so he can bring his loom to those to those 2 events and can sell items he has woven.  (It is a modern type of smaller loom and he has an even smaller version to take to events such as these.)  So he is working on weaving some additional items to bring along.  (I demonstrate embroidery – much easier to set up and needs much less room to work.)

When he sets up a project to weave (called warping the loom) we have to run the yarn which will be woven on across the length of our living room to have enough room – and now we (I) have to be careful not to knock into the TV and throw it over.  So, warping the loom now involves moving things so they are not in the way – which things never would have been in the way before.  

The process for each piece takes an afternoon for the part that I have to help him with (he then has to do additional things to finish the setup – but I only have to come in for a few minutes to check that the warp threads are evenly and sufficiently stretched.

We have done this process twice in the past 2 weeks – each one, an afternoon gone.  Now I will have time to myself as he is working on weaving this piece for a few days.  

So in between working at accomplishing my normal daily, weekly, monthly chores, I have been losing time to helping him warp his loom and posting to all of you was not done.  


 Still have not found the missing items - really, house is not THAT disorganized, they have to be here somewhere logical - right?

Thursday, August 4, 2022


 The time had come – we had to replace one of our toilet seats – the one in the upstairs bathroom.  We have been in the house for about 33 years.  We have 2 bathrooms and have replaced each of the toilet seats at least once.  The upstairs toilet seat apparently had a plastic film seal over the seat and the hole that had suddenly appeared in the film was getting too big to ignore, so a new one was needed.  (I am a big believer in “whenever you can ignore a problem – do so”.)  I had not actually completely ignored the problem  - I had given a bit of a pull to the edge of the hole to see if it would expand...

Now a toilet seat might seem a generic item and replaceable with no thought, but having grown up in a home where the bathroom was alternatively referred to as “the reading room” and “daddy's office”, I can assure you it does take some thought – especially when one is on a budget.  First I read up on toilet seats as I knew that these days there are different shapes and though there might even be different sizes – only different shapes.  I was pretty sure ours was a “round” as opposed to an “elongated” - the latter being a newer style of toilet than ours – which predates our buying the house.  I was right.  So size was determined – round.  Price is always a factor and we did not something fancy – so next question was plastic or (not, not paper) wood?  We have one of each (our half bath in our kitchen* has a wood seat).  Husband studied the seats in both bathrooms and decided on plastic.

Then the hard question – Home Depot or Lowes?  I noticed that Home Depot had a lot more choices than Lowes, but husband had to go to both stores.  He bought the plastic, round seat, near, but not at the bottom of the price range, we had figured would be good for us and we took it home.  

At home  - after it sat around for a few days, of course, he opened the box and took the seat to the bathroom to see how it would be.  He then went to the Home Depot website and decided that maybe we should have a more substantial seat and found one.  Back to Home Depot and bought that seat.  We had not returned the original so we could think about it.  

He decided the new one was more substantial and decided to put it in.  It was another manufacturer and had a more complicated installation than the other (and our old) seat – involving putting in the hinge and then pushing the seat connectors into the hinge.  When he took the seat out of the box it had several large scratches on it.  Back to thinking.  One thing he mentioned that was that the scratched one was slightly, but measurably thicker - “Does that matter?”  My first response was “no”, but then I thought about it.  This toilet is somehow taller than the one downstairs (which should be the same size) and the downstairs one is a slightly more comfortable height for me  so I changed my response to “yes” and explained this to him.  We decided to go with the first seat.  

We went to install the first seat we bought.  We took off the old one – cleaned the toilet well (my job) and went to install the new seat.  Unfortunately no one thought that one have the toilet sitting almost against the side wall.  (I often joke that we should take out the toilet paper and find someplace else to put it so my leg does not touch it when using the toilet – it is that close a space.)  Installing the left side of the seat was complicated by this problem, but we managed to get installed.  Well, that's something accomplished.  

The seat does have a new feature – s l o w  c l o s i n g.  I am used to holding the end of the seat to keep it from falling too quickly and have to learn to let go and let it fall. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022


 A word on always check what others do.  

My mom is her 90s.  Today we took her to the doctor's office for surgery to remove a cancer.  

Mom has 2 cancers.  There was a big one on her forearm and a small one on her cheek.  Per our conversation with the office before I had expected that the larger one on her arm was going to removed today.  When I called and made the appointment I was told that no, this was to remove the small on her check and to consult with the doctor about if the same sort of surgery would be used to removed the larger one or if a different sort of surgery was needed.  

Mom is in a wheelchair and has trouble “transferring” from it to most alternative seating unless they are about the same height.  

Being a nervous person who likes to be prepared I had called the office last week and asked a number of questions and was told that no, this was to remove the small on her cheek and to consult with the doctor about if the same sort of surgery would be used to removed the larger one or if a different sort of surgery was needed.  So going in I now expected them to remove the cancer on her cheek (which is the one which concerns her more as people can easily see it.   At the same time I explained that mom has a lot of trouble transferring from her wheelchair to other seats, especially if they are higher than the wheelchair.   I have been terribly nervous and not doing well at all – not from mom having cancer – but from how this was all going to go.  My sister, who is mom's primary caretaker arranged for an ambulette and  an aide from mom's nursing home to come with her and help us.  This was a great help as it cut about an hour each way of travel as mom live half an hour further from us than the doctor is – so it was an extra half hour to her and then back again to the doctor (reversed on way home).  

When I went into the procedure room with mom apparently no one knew that they “could do the procedure with her in her wheelchair”.  It was finally worked out to do so.  Then the doctor started on her arm – which actually had made sense to me as it was the much larger of the two.  I questioned this and he said it was better to do it first – I agreed – but said that then I should not have been told the opposite.  Two things I did not expect – but yet, that is how crazy things are now.

The last time mom went in for the procedure her aide went with her instead of me.  I had thought there would be another session after wards.  The aide was handed the paperwork with the instructions for care and followup.  Since she needed it for the nursing home to follow, my husband took a good photo of it so we would have it for our records.  When we got home I sent the file to my sisters with my info about what went on.  Later in the evening husband printed out the paperwork for me to file in my records for mom.  He noticed errors.  “Did your mom have a something removed from her nose?”  No – her arm and the other cancer is on her cheek!  Someone else's name had been written on the form, crossed out and mom's info put in.  The appointment listed was for a different time.  Unknown phone number on the form as her phone number.  What!!!?  Just when my stomach was no longer feeling nervous...

I emailed my sisters again and told them all this.  Tomorrow we have to run some errands and now I have to call the doctor's office on Friday to find out what is going on – and then call mom's nursing home to let them about the errors and the resolution with the doctor.

Similarly, but less life threatening – a friend paid off their car lease.  A month later they received a past due notice and they have not been able to correct this matter.  


Check, double check and triple check – and then have someone else check – any important papers you receive and are filing away.  Don't trust someone else to have filled them in properly.

Thursday, July 7, 2022


 Sorry about missing last week.   My main computer and email are still not completely back up and running from the email software problems I have been having. I really depend on my computer(s) to stay organized.  

What do YOU do with your email to read and keep track of it?

We did have to delete the software and do a clean install of the new software.  By doing this we then had to do a new setup of all my email accounts.  Okay – you have one or two or three email accounts – but as part of my organizing I have somewhere around 15 accounts.  15 accounts – why?  

Well I have my basic account – my family, husband's family and maybe 3 or 4 close friends have this email address – this way I can respond to the most important people in our lives quickly.  

I have an account for my accounting practice for my clients to contact me.  

One of my business clients – a woman in her 80s who still owns, runs and goes to work at her business every day – does not use a computer.  Her alarm company only bills by email.  So I opened up an account for her business to deal with this.  Before the pandemic when I was going in every month I would print out the bills when they came in, bring them with me to her and write the check for her to pay the company.  Since the pandemic I print the bills and mail them to her to pay as I have not being going to her – she mails me copies of the info I need.  

I have an account for the craft business which husband and I have for matters related to the business.

I have an account for my cell phone so it works.

I have an account for my embroidery club – it is used for things related to the club and me.  I have a second account for this club – but this account I have as the treasurer of the club – when I am no longer treasurer the new treasurer will get this account and have records of what the old treasurer (me) sent out, received, and did.  

I have an account for our reenactment unit – it used, for things related to the unit and me.  I also, again, have a second account for the unit as I am, again, treasurer of it.  (When one is an accountant one always ends up being the treasurer.)  This is used for business of the unit and will, again, be passed along to the next treasurer at some point.

I have an email account for this blog – any of you who want to me contact – feel free to do using the blog's email address.

I have 2 email accounts which I use when doing things online – such as various online groups/sites I belong to.  

I have 2 email accounts which were used with other clubs I used to belong to and I have kept for when I send an email and not be known.  

I also have one email account which has a different start to it as when I give the email address by telephone (something I used to do often when making hotel reservations back at the end of 20th century) my normal format has an “f” in it which people hear when talk as “s”, so when I need to give my email address by telephone I use this address as it does not have that problem.

My poor husband sat for 2 days entering all of these accounts into the new software and making sure they work properly.
Biggest problem is that when we talked about wiping out the old program and installing the new I asked him if this would result in just the unread emails being brought into the computer or all of the ones in the accounts.  He assured that only the unread emails would be brought into my computer/the software.  Wrong guess – one email address brought in something like 32,000 emails!!  (And that is one of my junk accounts.) While I might like to have them in my computer I don't NEED emails from 2018 – or more importantly don't even WANT emails from 2008!  

So I spend a good part of every day going through the email accounts in the software and deleting old emails – by the single email or more generally by the page.  I also have to sort some of the ones I am keeping into special folders to be able some emails more easily (such as the emails from USPS telling me what mail was to be delivered to me each day – if you haven't signed up for this service, it is very good to have).  When deleting emails – even single ones – they take quite awhile to be deleted which is annoying and slows the process down.  I figure this could take a month or two or more to finish doing.

I have also found that some – not a lot, but some – emails came through scrambled or unformatted and in at least one case the name in the list does not match the text in the email – it being one of the ones from USPS by title, but not the text in it.  

In addition we made the changeover just before I was due to email out the monthly newsletter for my embroidery club.  I had finished the newsletter just before husband started dealing with all of this – it was written and saved in a text processing program so what I had written was not affected by all of this.  I went to last month's newsletter and copied the list of who it was sent to and pasted that into the email for this newsletter.  Instead of showing the showing the emails it only showed the member's names!  I could not send it out using the information from last month's newsletter.  I hate to push my work off onto someone else – but had to as it serves as the meeting reminder and I wanted it out a month before the meeting – so I sent it the club president (who knew I was having email problems) and asked her to send it out for me.  I send out 2 other copies – one to those who asked about our club and one to certain people in the region management who I am required to send it to.   Those went out a couple of days after I hand copied their information into new address books in the new program.  I have been told that there was problem with this – attached files (including the newsletter) cannot be opened as before – they have to be copied first.  

Throw into all of this – husband set up the program to automatically download emails when I sign on.  At some point I have this changed to wait until I check for emails as if I sign after having checked emails for the day earlier in the day – it will download any new ones when I do not generally want them as if I am back in the account it generally means I need information from something I have already read.  The other problem with this is if I do need to check for email again in ONE account – all of them are downloading any email which has come in.  

This will be an ongoing project for some time.  There is nothing else I can do to get it all cleaned up.  I am trying to do it logical way – in my case I started with the first email account in the list – not the most important one.  I figure if I have all my emails from the start of 2022 in my computer I can always refer to older ones in my online account if needed.  Only somewhere around 40,000 emails left to sort through!

What do YOU do with your email to read and keep track of it – no really, I am curious what other people do?

Thursday, June 23, 2022


 This is my computer problem which has been set aside for the past couple of weeks since it started as husband's computer was much more important than mine.  

I use a software program to check my email – but like most to all of the programs I use, I have not updated it.   I hate adjusting to the assorted changes to programs which invariably come with the update and will put off updating unless necessary for the program to run.  

At the same time husband had the problems with our Win 10 computer the recent security changes to online caught up with me.  I could not use my email program to check my email as I did not meet the new requirements.  Normally I would have had husband deal with the changes – but he was still dealing with the computer problems he had.  So I did what I had to – I started checking email by signing into each email account separately and checking email that way.  I have a number of emails accounts – my general one for family and friends, a couple for when I don't want to be known and may need to drop the account if it gets hacked, one for groups I go to online, one for me for my embroidery guild, another one I use as treasurer of my chapter of same – which I consider to be an email of the chapter and I can pass along to the next treasurer to use, one for me for our reenactment unit, a similar email address for the treasurer of the unit – again, can be passed along to the next treasurer, one for a client – she does not use a computer and her business's alarm company only bills by email – so I set up an email account for her and I monitor it for her, an email for this site, an email address for me for the craft business husband and I have, and about 5 or 6 more for various purposes – some of which are gone and I have the kept the address for junk use.  

I knew I could not sign in and out of all of these accounts daily. I picked the ones most important to check daily and I do so.  The remaining ones I am checking once a week.  Unfortunately for some reason my computer does not like me signing in and out and in and out… one after another.  So around the 4th email address – it gets hung up and I end up having to reboot the computer, same after a few more email checks – I am not talking a lot of emails here – most have none, others might have 3 or 4 at most – but the computer is not happy.  So checking email has become an extended chore.  

Yesterday I asked husband if all was okay with his computer and it was running as before and as needed and it was.  So I asked him to help me setup my email accounts to meet the new requirements.  We spent 3 hours today trying to do so.  It has not happened – not even with one account – and worst of all -  I did not get to check ANY email accounts today – though I am sure I did not miss anything.   We set up an account and then it is rejected when we try to check email.  Latest idea is that we delete the email program and start all over with a new copy and enter each account as it needs to be for the new standards.  

Well – at least we have something to do.


Don't be like me – keep your programs updated to avoid problems – and don't wait for the last minute to make needed changes.

Thursday, June 16, 2022


 Everything was not okay with his computer.  When it came back using the backup there were no speakers and other problems.  He decided to use an older backup – from March – and then the entire process went blooey!!  He worked it on for hours and hours.  Last Friday we gave in and took it to the chain computer store we used – and bought the computer from – to see what they could do.  

Of course there is a diagnostic fee, which with tax was over $40.  They contacted us back on Monday morning with all sorts of suggestions that he should add to the computer.  I don't remember if I mentioned this – but the computer is 14 months old – 2 months past the end of the warranty – of course.  They wanted to take out drives and add drives – and none of the drives were damaged.  They also wanted to update it to Win 11 – we are barely into using Win 10 and hate it compared to Win 7.  Their price for the repair was coming to more than we paid for the computer to begin with!  He told them no to what they wanted to add and to just reinstall windows as the hardware was not damaged per them.  We picked it up yesterday, Tuesday, and he has been working on reinstalling software and putting back a backup.  Seems to work well again.  He got different backup software to use – though we have used what he had used for years, if not decades.

This was the first desktop computer we actually “bought as a computer” since maybe the last century.  Husband has been building our computers with my help since then.  We buy the parts at the same computer store and then assemble the computers – well he assembles them, I just help.  Before these computers we have made we have bought computers since before we were married (close to 50 years) starting with Atari 800.  We have never had problems with a computer such as we had with this.  None of them stopped working – we stopped using them due to change in type of computer or when the computer was actually too antiquated to keep using – never due to a problem with them working.  The reason we bought this computer instead of assembling this one  was that it was cheaper and the computer was being used only for software which needed Win 10 while we kept using our old Win 7  computers which we like.  


KEEP BACKING UP – OFTEN.  Make sure that you make the backups separate each time and if you can – onto alternating drives and other media also so if a problem occurs one can go back a backup if needed.   (And remember “the Cloud” is just “someone else's hard drive”).

Thursday, June 9, 2022


 This week I have to talk about organizing one's computer – yes, it is very important.  If one leaves the dishes for later in the day, as long as they get done it is fine – the same for dusting, laundry and most household chores.  But one may only get one chance to back up their computer before data or software is lost.   

We do not back up to “the cloud”.  All backups are on local on other media than the data drive(s) used.    Another name for “the cloud” is “someone else's hard drive”.  I figure it is worth much more to someone to break into, say, Google's data which includes same for – how many people? - then it is to break into ours – and we do not keep sensitive data.  Plus if the Internet is “down” we can keep using our computers with all data available to us.

I am very careful to back up.  I keep my data on USB flash stick drives so it can be moved from my desktop to my laptop or another computer.  I use 2 additional of these drives (marked “A” and “B”) for daily backing up.  I do so at least daily and alternate between the two of them,  If I used “A” yesterday, today's backup is on B.  This way even if the backup for the day and the original data is lost – I have only lost a day's work as I still have the prior day's backup.  

I also have 2 of these drives (with larger capacity) which are marked “E” and “F”.  On Friday afternoons I update the data on whichever of these 2 drives I did not use last Friday.  This way even if I lose my original and both backups – I have the data as of the last Friday (end of work week).

Okay you are starting to think I am bit crazy and back up too much – but more is coming and it is important.  Since flash drives have a limited number of rewrites to them I also have 2 external hard drives.  I They are named odd and even (my data drive is H and my archive drive of prior years is G).  My data drive, archive drive and A and B backup drives are always in my desktop computer (unless being used on my laptop or there is some unusual reason to remove them from the computer).  

In the middle of the month (around the 15th) I will back up my data drives to an external hard drive and also backup my computer itself to same.  I use the “odd” hard drive for backups in the odd number months (1, etc) and the “even” hard drive for same in even months (2, etc).  This way I have a complete backup of computer and data at most 2 months old and more likely one month old or more recent.  

It sounds like a lot of work but takes maybe half an hour at most (and that is more than actual) while I am closing my work area for the day.  

I also have separate data flash drives for my accounting business clients so that when I go to a client (in non-pandemic times) I only bring their data with me and not any other client's data.  I back these up when I use them to the A/B alternates and if used during the past week on weekly backup and also always to the monthly hard drive backup.

Earlier this year my computer went wacky and husband had to use the most recent backup of the computer after he got it working again to get it close to normal and I did not lose any data.  

Okay – that is a one time problem, won't happen again – HA! HA!

Two days ago husband let our joint Windows 10 computer update.  We each have a Win 7 computer setup as we want and only use the Win 10 as we need to for software which needs it.  A month or so ago his Win 7 died and since he is using the Win 10 as his regular computer.  

When he turned on the computer yesterday – it did not come on.  Something in the backing up did something weird to the computer.  He worked on it into the wee hours of this morning and then gave up.  He does not back up as often as I do so his backup is about a month (maybe two) old.  Presuming that backup works – all of his programs will think it is back then and any work since and not backed up is lost.  It took 3 or 4 tries of booting the computer today for everything to seem be okay with it.  


When was the last time you backed up your computer(s)?  If you lost the data on it would you be okay or would you need the data?    

Get yourself a couple of USB stick flash drives and at least start backing up your data.  An external hard drive is good idea for backup of the computer itself also.

Thursday, June 2, 2022


 Well we finally did what we needed to do.  We hired a gardener.  

We used to have a gardener whose employees came weekly and mowed the grass – mostly in the backyard as the front of our house is mostly paved driveway – and cleaned up the leaves and such.  We actually had several of them over a time.  The last one disappeared – we were waiting for his people to come and clear the snow one winter a decade or so ago and he never came.  He did not answer his telephone.  We called our former gardener who had “sold us off” to this one and he checked.  Our gardener had moved back home to another country.  

Husband decided he (we) could deal with the mowing and seasonal cleanups and we started doing same.  We hired a company to clear the snow in winter as that can be a bit much for us – depending on the amount of snow we get.  This worked a couple of years and then the snow clearing company said it was only doing snow removal for commercial properties – as did and has every other snow removal company we have found.  

So we have gone along for some years dealing with it all ourselves – and husband is not what he used to be in terms of what he can do (which is why I have been helping/doing much of the work) and spends the fall and winter in terror of being snowed in and not being able to get out of our house if we need to.  

We managed to get through doing the mowing, cleaning up, and snow removal as well as we could.  But then the pandemic came along.  In 2020 we were staying in the house almost continually.  In late summer we had to go to our garage (which serves as husband's wood shop so it was needed before during the year).  The garage sits behind our house on one side and the regular door to it is on the side.  We needed something from the garage in late summer and when we went to go into the garage we saw our backyard – there was waist high grass and weeds!  We realized we could not handle it and decided to ignore it, let it all die over the winter and start anew in 2021.  

But 2021 was not much a better year and we again forgot about the backyard.  I knew that we would not be able to deal with what had grown in the yard – “weed trees” - plus poison ivy was probably running loose also.  So we discussed it and decided that in 2022 we would hire the same gardener as our next door neighbor used.   I even made notes in my cell phone and computer calendars to remind me to start the process in March 2022.

Of course I missed March and did not get in touch with the gardener until May.  He is very nice.  How nice?  Turns out he has helped us before.  During the winter we had a large snow storm – the snow was light and fluffy and we easily cleared it away.  Unfortunately the county snow plow crew did not come through until the day after the storm and the sidewalks/driveways had been cleared and the light snow was thrown back onto them as HEAVY PACKED snow.  We set out again to try to clear the snow chopping off bits of the packed snow and shoveling it.  A pickup truck with a snow plow on the front stopped and told us to move away from the snow – he then drove up the driveway partway and broke apart the packed snow.  He would have done same with our other driveway cut but a snow plow came through again (so glad they came twice two days after the snow and not at all during the snow) and said something to him and he had to leave.  When the gardener came after I called him to talk about what we needed – turned out he was the good soul who had helped us?  

His crew has come twice (it started raining heavily the first day) and cleared out our backyard.  It is now rather bare.  He suggested he would bring new dirt and fill in so backyard was even and reseed – but, he warned us, we would have to make sure to water it regular until the grass was growing.  I agreed.  I then remembered  - the back water faucet is shut off as it had frozen and water was dripping.  So before he comes and does the reseeding work we have to get a plumber to come and fix the faucet!  

Husband had been very nervous and tends to oversee a bit too much – I try to keep him in the house and not out bothering anyone.  

Today we went out and bought a new window well cover and put it in place.  We are hoping that the basement flooding that we had during Hurricane Ida last year and after wards whenever we had heavy rain will no longer happen.  The water seemed to come in through/around this window and the cover was gone from it.  We did not have the same problem by the other window whose cover remained intact and in place.b

And we can actually walk in our backyard – even go to the shed back there.  Which reminded us – we need to fix one of the hinges on the shed door!   And he lists residential snow clearing on his website!


Sometimes one has to give in and admit that they cannot do something.  When it is something which even children can do (mow grass) it can be even harder to admit that one can no longer do it.  But one has to learn their limitations and give in and hire someone to do what they can no longer do.

Thursday, May 26, 2022


 My apologies for my absence. I thought I missed a week – but I have never missed 2 weeks before. - EVEN WORSE - I NEVER FINISHED POSTING THIS ON MAY 6.

I have been doing some rearranging in our kitchen. As I have mentioned before about the organizing rule of “putting like with like” leaves open the question of what are like items. For example in the field of clothing is it all socks together and all underwear together? My husband pointed out to me about a couple of decades ago that this did not make sense. If I wear some types of underwear daily and some types of socks daily - I am opening two drawers every day. If instead of socks together and underwear together (which I had done since I was in my early teens) which meant I had to open 2 drawers every day. If, on the other hand, I consider types of items I wear just about daily- whether socks or underwear in the same drawer - and put the same of these items which I wear once in a long while in the other drawer I only have to open one drawer almost all of the days. Hmmm, I had never thought of like with like as wear daily together and wear rarely together elsewhere. It does work well.

In the kitchen I had changed several years ago from all of a type of items being together to putting what I use daily or almost so together and rarer used items together. Our everyday dishes – a set for 8 – was on two shelves in one of our 4 kitchen upper cabinets on the bottom and middle shelves (of 3 shelves). But there are only two of us. Every time I needed to use something from the middle shelf I had to get a step to reach the item. I now keep 3 dinner plates, our 2 lunch plates, some unrelated dinner plates that I use when cooking, 4 of our soup bowls (as sometimes they are also used for small serving bowls) and 4 of our small plates (for dessert, side plates, etc), as well as two of the same type of the unrelated plates smaller for use as utility plates plus since I have wire shelf to split this shelf in two I also have 2 small serving bowls. On the bottom shelf of the matching cabinet on the other end of the kitchen I have two each of the glasses we use (I like tall thin ones, he likes short wide ones), 2 mugs for hot beverages, some small glasses used for utility, measuring cups (wet and dry), two ice cream cups and some other similar items. I now can reach what I need to set the table for us without having to climb on a step.

But what about our other two upper cabinets? Well one of them is located over our stove – so very rarely used items are in it as I have to climb, not on my step, but on a chair to reach anything. So the good china and rarely used serving pieces/baking dishes are in it.

The fourth cabinet is next to eh 3rd, but hanging at the same height as the first two – meaning I can reach the bottom shelf. This is the one in which I recently did some rearranging. On the bottom shelf I have some platters, 2 hot plates to put hot dishes or pots on at the table, and 3 serving bowls of the same size and shape with different designs – about minimum in size of the bowls we own. On the shelf above are other items used fairly regularly – the difference being that I can reach and take out the gravy server with the small pitcher kept in it (pitcher intended as for milk or cream when serving coffee, tea, etc, but more often used by me as an alternative gravy server which is why they are stacked together) and more bowls. In this case from my large bowls used for mixing and cooking, a wooden bowl bought to use for reenacting but replaced by a better one for same, and a medium sized serving bowl.

This setup worked well for us in the past as we did a minimum of cooking for the two of us as we ate dinner out 3 nights a week and lunch out daily. But since the pandemic life and cooking has changed.

Last week I thought to myself that I use that medium bowl on the second shelf of the cabinet at least once a week now – and each time I use it I have to climb on the step to get it down and then do the same to put it away. But it is rare that I use even 2 of the 3 serving bowls on the bottom shelf (they are bigger than my small and medium bowls but smaller than my large bowls. Mostly when I use one of them for the two of us I have made biscuits or rolls and need something to put them on table. Hmmm.

So I took one of the three bowls on the bottom shelf and climbed up and took the medium bowl from the second shelf out and rearranged the bowls on the second shelf to include the one from the bottom shelf and put the medium one on the bottom shelf – no more climbing to get it down.

In addition I have been using some pots which are kept in the lower cabinet, under where the bowls are stored, that I do not normally use with any frequency. It has been hard getting the wok in and out as it is in the back left side of the cabinet. In the front right side of the cabinet I have a 8 quart pot (just went and checked as I did not know how large it is) which normally sits unused in the cabinet except for cooking soup from scratch for holidays but I have also been using to make ravioli for dinner every couple of weeks during the pandemic. Behind it sits several items – some for baking, some for cooking – including a large round flat griddle with slightly raised sizes. These pots have sat in this cabinet for decades with no problems. But for some reason now that I am using the 8 qt pot it does not go back into the cabinet easily as the griddle is suddenly in its way.

I had taken the griddle out during the week – since it is rarely used I was going to move it to the basement storage closet (well, technically area where the gas meter is located in the finished part of the basement with walls and door to hide it). But then I started thinking again. I took it and put it in the back under where the wok goes and moves some smaller items where the wok goes to the other side where the griddle had been. It worked. The 8qt pot fits back into place in the front right of the cabinet (with smaller pots stored in it as before) and has no problem coming out and going back in. The left side of the cabinet has the wok in the back on the griddle and since it raised up slightly off the floor of the cabinet and some items which were there have been moved to the rear right, it can be more easily taken out and put back. I did have move one large pot lid to the small half shelf at the back of the cabinet over all of this – but it all works so much better now.


What area of your home just does not work even thought it meets the “like with like” rule? What other way can the items be sorted to still be “like with like” just using a different standard of “like”? How or when or how often things are used is just as valid of making them “like” items as the items actually being the same kind of item.

Saturday, April 16, 2022


 A Happy Passover

A Happy Easter

A Happy Ramadan 

If I have left any others out, please forgive me.  

Apparently this is the first time in 30 years that all 3 of the western religions are occurring at the same time.  That is organization. :-)

Thursday, April 7, 2022


 On March 28 I started to panic – it was almost the end of March and I still did not have information from clients to do their taxes and was in the middle of one return which was taking longer than it should – plus I still had to do our taxes and those for our craft business.  In my mind I had ONLY TWO WEEKS to finish the returns and two of the clients live in other states – and with USPS running as slowly as it is I wanted to get the out of state returns out 2 weeks before they were due – so clients would receive them, have time to review them, and not have to do any of this in a panic – which I was already in.  

I had not looked at a calendar – just “it is the end of March already and taxes are in 2 weeks!”.  When my husband asked why I was in a such panic and I told him, he told me that there were 3 weeks, not 2.  Amazingly this was correct – taxes are not due until April 18 and that is a Monday so I had the week I was starting plus 2 more weeks.  After he kept saying that he found me an extra week.  

Sounds good right – an entire extra week!  How did I spend that extra week?  Husband's birthday is this week and he decided we (he) were getting a big (not a BIG, just a big) screen TV as who knows when or if we will ever be able to go to the movies again – not only due to Covid, but we don't like the new recliner seats and the local independent theater we had been going to which did not have same has no information about the future other than that is “temporarily closed”.  

So most of the week he “found” was spent going out and looking at tables to put the TV on in addition to looking at TVs.  Towards the end of last week we went to Ikea and bought the table he figured out would fit where we needed it (both in terms of length, width, and height – but also clearance under it so we could keep the DVD chest he made a number of years ago as the table would be going in the same space – with the chest sliding under it (where the chest has always been).  We then drove to the Costco in the next county (the one here is much too busy even in normal times for us to deal with) to order the TV to be delivered to us – as we could not carry it home nor could we carry it into the house.  They do not allowing ordering in stores – take home only, so we had to then call their ordering service and order the TV.    This process took 2 full days (such as short as our days are) last week.

Then another day was taken up with assembling the table from Ikea.  This is always a simple process – which isn't.  We have assembled a lot of Ikea furniture in the past 20 years and while most make sense to me – he is always confused and there is always “discussion” over whether I am handing him the correct pieces, screws etc to him.  Luckily once it was assembled it fit where it needed to go even better than we thought it would.  

Today the TV was delivered and physically setup by the delivery people (extra US$20 for same).  I will say that we are very happy with Costco's delivery.  We were told the tentative date when it was ordered.  Late yesterday afternoon we had a computer call giving us a 2 hour window for the delivery – since their delivery time for TVs starts at 7am and we normally do not go to bed until 4 am, we were concerned about having to be up and dressed at 7am to wait for them to show up, so we were very glad of being told which 2 hours they would be here (and thankfully it was late morning).  We then had another phone call today from the fellows delivering it to tell us they would be here in 20 minutes.  So, their letting one know when to expect was great and the fellows were very nice.  

So we had the TV sitting on the table and husband was ready to start setting up what he has for it.  This included running to Walmart to exchange a DVD player he had bought for the TV which was lacking its cord in the box – it was listed on the instruction sheet, only to find out after we exchanged it that it did not come with the cord – all of their players apparently have the same sheet and there was an asterisk he had not noticed saying only one of their players comes with the cord.  Luckily we had a cord in the house.  He then spent several hours setting up the information and such of the TV and of the DVD player – much of the time I was needed to help him.  

So now it is less than 2 weeks until the taxes have to be filed and I still have 3 returns to do, though at least the client is in the metropolitan NYC area and our returns can be mailed on the 18th!  BUT – a client who mailed the return to out of state mailed me a notice she received from her state government – a refund of her overpayment on her 2020 return …. which was suppose to be credited to her 2021 return and has been taken as payment on same.  So, now I have to redo part of her paperwork.  Luckily she is overpaid more on her 2021 return than the amount not credited to it, so it is her estimates for 2022 which have to be changed – and I emailed to her and said I will do so after the 18th as it does not affect what she is filing now.

I used to do so many returns with so many less problems than pop us these days!   

And yes, I have pointed out to husband that he used up almost all of the extra week he found for me, so the extra week he found helped him – not me.


It is amazing how the little things take up/waste time.